Review, Plan & Wrap up

Projects Step 6:  Review and Wrapping up Taking everything that you have been exploring and experimenting with, bring it all together with a plan for next…

What are you learning?

POD WEEK 5:  What are you learning? Take a moment to celebrate! You put your desire out into the world!  What are you learning?   In this…

Craft an Offer

POD WEEK 4:  Craft an Experimental Offering  REMINDER: Next week you’ll be invited to “Show and tell.” This doesn’t mean having a finished “product” to show;…

Exploring Collaboration

Now that you have defined your project. This week’s “homework” is all about exploring what it wants to become and getting information to support your…

Create and Share Your Manifesto

WEEK 1 PODS: Create and Share Your Manifesto Using the prompts offered below, explore what it is you want to create and put it into…

FF 2020 – Turn Up Your LifeForce

Turning Up Your Life Force Deep Growth is embodied. Deep growth means being fully present in the physical reality, while at the same time being…

FF 2020 – Who Are You?

Who are you? Take a minute to think. You might even want to make a list of everything that describes who you are. What comes…