A Signature Event
Fall 2023
The Edges Conference is for positive impact leaders who want to create at the edges of possibility.
At the edges we harvest the best of what we have learned and invite something even greater to emerge. It is where what could be comes into being, our desires leading us
to something even more amazing than we can imagine.
A NonOrdinary Conference
We are creating a different kind of conference experience.
Part conference…
Part experiential training…
Part revival…
We intend to create an experience where:
You know and feel you are not alone.
Being at the edges can be incredibly lonely. We’re changing that. Not only are we with you, we are cultivating an ever-growing community of badass lovers of life who are in it with you.
We are ALL-IN with you.
“That was a nice weekend...” doesn’t cut it. We’re aiming for chills, tingles, gasps-- and maybe even a tear or two. Seriously, we want to thoroughly enjoy all the aspects of being human together.
We are truly in new territory.
We are inviting cross-pollination and going beyond it. We are collectively inviting a mutation, a leap, a new possibility that gets called into existence because of the unique configuration of our coming together.
We build common skills and states that give us access to new possibilities.
We come from many traditions, languages, and cultures... and the skills needed at the edges are different than those needed in known territory. One aspect of the conference is cultivating skills, along with a common language, which amplify our ability to be in deep relationship and collaboration.
You feel fully ALIVE, inspired and excited to be in the world…even in the chaos.
With all the chaos and suffering in the world right now, it can be almost impossible to give ourselves permission to fully enjoy life. But the truth is, adding our own suffering to the world’s suffering isn’t helping anyone. We believe the only way forward is living from where we want to be. Our joy and pleasure in the process are an enticement for others to join us.
Our Framework
About us…
We would rather have a challenging conversation than avoid the opportunity to get closer.
We love to laugh, especially at ourselves. Okay, sometimes we are just plain goofy.
We can be a bit unconventional. We are nonordinary after all.
We do not give ourselves labels like “woke” or “traditionalist” — but we are thoughtful and kind and want to know YOU and your unique experience of the world.
Dancing is mandatory…not really, but we REALLY love to dance.
Producer & Founder Trish Blain
The Edges We’re Inviting
Each of the edges integrates aspects of our collective reality. They are ultimately all happening at the same time, actively impacting each other. As we explore the various challenges and opportunities we are facing, we will be fluidly combining all of the edges. We are inviting community members and leaders from these edges to come together and lean into what wants to happen.
The Consciousness Edge
Integrating the physical and non-physical.
Exploring consciousness itself, and expanding what it means to be human by cultivating flexibility of consciousness, nonordinary states, deep intuition, and natural intelligence. We invite the nonphysical / metaphysical to add layers of understanding and experience, engaging the subtle senses to see where they lead us.
Example of topics:
- Consciousness research, technologies
- Psychedelics, alternate realities / timelines
- Nonordinary states of consciousness
- Ecstatic and peak states
- Spiritual traditions & teachings
- Intuition, subtle senses, nonlocal information
- Hidden ways of knowing / wisdom traditions
- Mindfulness, meditation, yoga, energy work
- Metaphysics, panpsychism
- Consciousness fields, constellation work
The Shifting Edge
Integrating the past and the present
At the shifting edge, we embrace being a fully-embodied human. We harvest what we have learned and untangle what is happening now. We embrace conflict, triggers, and trauma as information, as something important trying to reveal itself. We rewire our nervous systems, expand our capacity, and update our humanware so we can experience what we most deeply desire.
Example of topics:
- Trauma and trigger work
- Collective & ancestral trauma
- Polyvagal Theory, emotional intelligence
- Conflict resolution, nonviolent communication
- Somatic, mind/body practices, mental health
- Identity, soveriegnty, individuality
- Process-oriented, and positive psychology
- Internal family systems
- Sexuality and gender
- Power dynamics
The Collaborative Edge
Integrating me and you, me and we, us and them.
At the Collaborative Edge, we go beyond our individuality and come together into relationship to create something greater than we can by ourselves. We hold, at the same time, the bigger picture, the patterns, and the parts. Expanding our capacity for coherence, complexity, and pattern recognition, we invite collective intelligence and dynamic synergy. We embrace the deep knowing that there are parts of ourselves which can only be transformed, or brought to life, in the presence of others.
Example of topics:
- Positive impact entrepreneurship
- Sense-making, social trends
- Philosophy, ethics and morality
- Cultural traditions, “-isms,” and cultural identity
- Systems and transcontextual thinking
- Group dynamics, group coherence and fields
- Collective decision making
- Community and culture cultivation
- Collaboration and team building
- Organizational development & structures
- Stages and evolutionary development, Integral
- Governance and politics
The Emerging Edge
Integrating the present with the future.
At the emerging edge, we hold the vision of what is possible while we step into the unknown and invite something unexpected to emerge. We embrace improvisation, following the breadcrumbs and flow. We try new combinations and cross- pollinate. We live into the new paradigm, with creativity, experimentation, and learning while building. Innovative technology is embraced in its appropriate relationship in service of a vital, thriving world.
Example of topics:
- Improvisation, The Infinite Game
- Liminal communities
- GameB, GameC,
- Visionary societies
- Wicked problems & VUCA solutions
- Decentralized organizations & governence
- AI
- Crypto, blockchain
- Web 3.0, virtual reality
- Science & technology ethics
- Transhumanism
- A Utopia of Utopias
Who Are We Inviting? You!
Do you want to make a positive impact in new paradigm ways? Do you consider yourself a leader of some kind?
- Thought Leader
- Positive Impact Entrepreneur
- Community Leader
- Author
- Influencer or Creator
- Coach or Practitioner
- Spiritual Teacher
- Community Organizer
- Organizational Development Consultant
- Nonprofit Leader
- Movement Leader
- Visionary
- Your Unique Genius!
Are you willing to…
- Be in the unknown with beginner eyes and a willingness to take risks?
- Bring your expertise and vision with openness and a collaborative spirit?
- Learn a new framework that supports and complements yours?
- Be uncomfortable and work through conflict to get to the other side?
- Celebrate differences and a variety of unique perspectives and approaches?
This is a curated event.
We would love for you to fill out an application and see if we’re a good fit together.
Apply Here (coming soon)