A Travel Guide for the
New Reality

Untangle the chaos and harness the power
of living in new territory.

A Four Part Series:

Part 1:
Beyond Chaos

Part 2:
Paradigm Shifting the Shift

Part 3:
Choose Your Adventure

Part 4:
NonOrdinary Impact

A Travel Guide for the
New Reality

Untangle the chaos
and harness the power
of living in new territory.

Navigate new territory and enjoy the creative edges of what it
means to be human. Bring your deepest desires
into reality in collaboration with others.

Part 1:
Beyond Chaos

Part 2:
Paradigm Shifting the Shift

Part 3:
Choose Your Adventure

Part 4:
NonOrdinary Impact

Paradigm Shift
Systems Change
Web 4.0
The Infinite Game
Second Tier
Emerging Future
Phase Shift
The Liminal Space

Doesn’t matter what you call it, a new reality is here.

The elephant is not just in the room– it’s omnipresent and on a rampage! The status quo isn’t working, and it’s become impossible to ignore.

Ordinary is no longer enough…in our lives, relationships, organizations and for the world.

The fact is, we are in new territory and we need a new way of navigating and creating together. 

What is this new reality?  How do we update the old and anchor in the new ways? How do we navigate together in unknown, constantly-evolving territory? 

It’s time. Experience the life and world you KNOW in your bones is possible.

In order to do this we need new skills, and a different kind of map and compass to navigate unknown territory.

We need a common operating system which aligns us with each other and with life – because as much as we try, it is impossible to get what we each deeply desire alone.

We need gathering spaces where we can practice, learn, and share our experiences.

We need to be willing to be at the edges, learning as we live and lead in new territory.

And we need YOU. 

In order to do this we need new skills, and a different kind of map and compass to navigate unknown territory.

We need a common operating system which aligns us with each other and with life – because as much as we try, it is impossible to get what we each deeply desire alone.

We need gathering spaces where we can practice, learn, and share our experiences.

We need to be willing to be at the edges, learning as we live and lead in new territory.

And we need YOU. 

Join Us For Our Founder’s Launch and Our Free 4-Part Series

Join Us For Our Founder’s Launch and
Our Free 4-Part Series

A Travel Guide
for the New Reality

Experience what you know in your bones is possible

in your life, relationships, organizations and in the world.

It’s not too late… but it is definitely time!

In my early 20’s, I asked myself a question that ended up being life-defining in my work and personal life: “How can we create a better world, when everyone has a different version of it?” 

I could never have anticipated where this question would lead me. I am in awe of life as both a teacher and a lover. I learned a lot!  In the process of wanting to share what I learned, I found myself struggling with two additional questions that turned out to have a profound impact.

First, how do I share what I have learned when it doesn’t fit into ordinary boxes? This turned out to be a critical part of my journey, giving me deeper understanding of why the new reality is so powerfully different. 

The second question kept nagging me as I was preparing to step into the world in a more public way. It wouldn’t go away. The question was: “What’s in it for me?”  I had to stop and acknowledge that I was tired… soul weary, in fact. Like many of you, I’m guessing. I had a déjà vu feeling of, “What’s the point?”

Which brought me to a missing piece…desire. A better world isn’t a destination, it’s an ecstatic state of consciousness that allows us to finally experience why we want to be human in the first place. It’s time to help each other get what we most deeply desire. That’s what’s in it for me—and for you.

It’s about time we create and experience a world that affirms:”Yes! THIS is why I am alive!”

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The Four Forces of Everything

By Trish Blain

Be NonOrdinary!

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