During our NonOrdinary Summer extravaganza, we are offering a variety of self-paced and live trainings. Many will be free! Our content is organized into channels, which help you apply the skills and states to real life context. Free self-paced courses are available with our free membership, and our paid live trainings include cohort, companion and subscription trainings. Dive into what’s most important to you while seeing how it connects to other contexts.

In addition, we will be having free drop-in live events, classes, and other happenings throughout the summer. You can find those on our events calendar here. 

Included In Founder’s Offer:

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Free Self-Paced Courses

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A deep dive into The Four Forces and The Edges, the underlying infrastructure of reality.

Included in Founder’s Offer

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Free Self-Paced Courses:

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Skills and states that expand what it means to be human beyond the physical.

Included in Founder’s Offer:

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Free Self-Paced Courses:

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Experience ecstatic relationships and sexuality. Break open to new pleasure, intimacy, and aliveness.

Included in Founder’s Offer:

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Free Self-Paced Courses:

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Apply the skills and states to shifting society and living the new reality together in our everyday lives.

Special Beta Paid Training:

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Free Self-Paced Courses:

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Amplify your positive impact and create new paradigm communities and organizations.

FACILITATOR and LEADER subscriptions only.