Beyond Chaos


A Travel Guide for Lovers of Life

A 3-Part Video Series

Even in the midst of the chaos, do you believe
a different future is possible? 
We do too.

Things have to shift but how?  
What is this new reality we are sensing?
How do we get there from

In this MASTERCLASS we offer a framework — a compass and map — that helps make sense of what is happening and provides a way to navigate beyond chaos…in our lives, organizations and in the world.

Part ONE

Making Sense of the Chaos

In Part one of this masterclass we make sense of the current chaos:

  • 7 key problems we keep trying to solve, and how current approaches are lacking.
  • Powerful shifts in thinking about these problems which give new context to understand how we got here, and what is happening now.
  • How these shifts are the key to defining and creating the new reality you are sensing is possible and desiring.
More details below…

The 'Which Reality?' Problem

With almost 8 billion people on the planet, how do we agree on which version of reality to work towards?

The Peak States Problem

With more and more of us experiencing expanded states of consciousness through meditation, tantra, psychedelics, and other paths, why do we still fall back into old patterns?

The 'Other Person' Problem

How do you get what you want when others won’t cooperate?

The Trigger Problem

Why have we become so reactionary? Why does it feel like we have to walk on eggshells with each other? Why has cancel culture become the norm? 

The Polarity Problem

Why are we growing more polarized, even among families and friends? Why do we have to make what seem like impossible, no-win choices, in our personal lives and in society?

The Power, Money and Sex Problem

If power corrupts, money is the root of all evil, and sex is taboo, why do we keep pursuing them so enthusiastically?

The Woo Woo Problem

The battle of science versus spirituality, physical versus metaphysical, good versus evil, my heaven versus yours… How do we end the battles once and for all?

The Desire, Tangle, Loop

Been there, done that, got the t-shirt. How do we identify where we are, and what the path forward is? How do we stop repeating history and finally get what we want? 

Part two

Paradigm Shifting the Paradigm Shift

You’ll Learn:

  • The common ways of thinking about paradigm shifting and why they arent enough anymore. 
  • A new approach to paradigm shifting that allows you to both untangle the current paradigm while living and learning in the new paradigm.
  • How to navigate in unknown, new territory when there is no current map.

Part tHREE

The Underlying Levers of Reality

You’ll Learn:

  • How the Four Forces give you levers for navigating, experiencing and creating reality.