When we say you can use NonOrdinary skills in ANY context, we mean it–and that can be challenging when you are trying to learn the skills efficiently and get concrete results you can see and feel. This is why we have designed and organized our training content to focus on the real-life context that is going to have the most impact and get you what you most deeply desire as quickly and easily as possible.
On this page you will find an overview of how we organize our training content. You can also explore our NonOrdinary Society training approach here. And find out more about our events here. You can jump to each section:
We offer our trainings with the following options:
Self-paced: Learn on your own schedule.
Live: Syncronistic learning that includes live zoom calls, and/or an in-person event.
Cohort: Stand alone trainings that has a finite start and end date. Cohorts are closed once started.
Drop-in: This type of training is open to new participants and is designed to be modular.
Companion: Included with an in-person event such as a retreat, workshop or conference.
Paid: One time investment
Subscription: Access to member only trainings and NonOrdinary Society. Free and paid subscriptions.
Our deepest desire is to create a new paradigm community — we think of it as a desire collaborative— where we help each other create and experience the lives and world that inspire us to say “YES! This is why I am alive!” In order to do this, we need skills in context with each other. Therefore our community, NonOrdinary Society, requires a paid training subscription to be a member.
Each subscription focuses on the context where you want to be most impacted and impactful.

Do you want to live your “YES!” with more pleasure, impact and aliveness? Would you like to have ecstatic relationships? Would you like to focus on how you can have the most impact through how you live your everyday life? Do you want to help create a new paradigm community with other NonOrdinaries?
Awesome! Our SHIFTER subscription is perfect for you.

Do you want to live an ecstatic personal life while working at the paradigm level with individuals, groups or organizations? Do you want to understand, navigate, facilitate, and impact ANY paradigm? Would you like to possibly be a facilitator on our NonOrdinary Team?
Amazing! We have a special invitation for you! Join our Founders’ Cohort for our NonOrdinary FACILITATOR training.

Are you out in the world, on the edges? Are you blazing a trail into the new reality? Would you like to exponentially amplify your genius with more nonordinary skills and states? Would you like a space you can be ALL aspects of yourself with other badass, skilled co-conspiritors? Would you like a private space to refuel and do your own personal work?
Hell Yes! We can’t wait to meet you!
Our content channels further breakdown learning context within our subscriptions. Dive into what’s most important to you while seeing how it connects to other contexts. Like streaming services, your subscription determines which channels you have access to.
A deep dive into the Four Forces and The Edges, the underlying infrastructure of reality.
Skills and states that expand what it means to be human beyond the physical.
Apply the skills and states to shifting society and living the new reality together in our everyday lives.
Experience ecstatic relationships and sexuality. Break open to new pleasure, intimacy, and aliveness.
Timely, spontaneous content focused on what's emerging in the community and in the world.
Amplify your positive impact and create new paradigm communities and organizations. FACILITATOR and LEADER subscriptions only.