
At the edges, you are most alive.

At the edges, WE are most alive.
What if…
Conflict is something new trying to be discovered?
Your body knows what your relationship wants to become?
Life is trying to show you how to get what you want?

With EdgesWork™, we consciously invite the edges to lead us. We step into new territory, expand our capacity and bring into being a new options and insights. We “follow the breadcrumbs,” exploring what our bodies, emotions, souls, relationship dynamics and environment are showing us.

EdgesWork can be used alone or in dyads, however, it is most powerful when done in groups. During group EdgesWork online sessions and weekends, there is the opportunity for individual pieces of personal work as well as collective processes for the group. Whether individual or group work, we have found that everyone is impacted in unexpected and transformational ways.

What are the Edges?

As part of our unique approach, we engage “The Edges” of the Four Forces:

  • At the Consciousness Edge, we invite the nonphysical and our multidimensional selves to add layers of understanding and experience. We engage our subtle senses, fields, and environment to see where it leads us.
  • At the Shifting Edge, we untangle the past and engage what is underneath. Conflict, physical symptoms, and triggers are embraced as important information with gifts and insight to be harvested.
  • At the Collaborative Edge, we explore relationships, dynamics, and collective intelligence. We embrace the deep knowing that there are parts of us which can only be transformed, or brought to life, in the presence of others. When any piece of
    is done, everyone is impacted.
  • At the Emerging Edge, we upgrade our wiring for greater capacity of pleasure and lifeforce. We step into new territory and allow creativity to move us in unexpected ways.
The Four Forces Framework supports this process by:
  • Providing the skills and states to be able to engage and navigate the edges with more conscious choice and awareness.
  • Providing a mental framework for understanding the process and integrating the findings.

What is EdgesWork?

EdgesWork™ combines the Four Forces Framework and NonOrdinary skills with the philosophy of Processwork. Processwork, also known as Process-oriented Psychology, is an approach created by Arnold Mindell in the 1970’s that combines elements of Jungian and Gestalt psychologies, Shamanism, Taoism, sociology, and quantum physics. It focuses on following the flow of consciousness (including the unconscious) and allowing what is present to emerge and inform.

Our approach, EdgesWork, is not psychotherapy or group therapy, however we embrace the intention of following what is emerging, using a multidisciplinary, multi-faceted, multidimensional approach.  

Why Group Work is Vital for the New Reality

The hard truth is that we can’t actually get what we want without each other. Our deep desires require others. But there is another powerful reason. In order to invite the emerging edge of something new, we need to untangle and update the old stories, beliefs and patterns. These patterns were created in the context of others….our families, our social connections, our cultures. Untangling, rewiring and creating new ways of engaging needs the context of others as well. Change and integration land differently when we experience it with others. 

The Benefits of EdgesWork™:
  • Deepening Self Awareness
  • Fuller understanding of symptoms, patterns & beliefs
  • Discovering new choices and powerful reframing
  • Connecting with aligned power
  • Rewiring capacity for pleasure and lifeforce
  • Finding the underlying cause of triggers and reactions
  • Identifying and healing experiences from the past
  • Identifying systemic patterns and dynamics
  • Transforming conflict and power dynamics
  • Shifting dynamics in relationships & groups
  • Increasing access to creativity and unexpected solutions

The Principles of EdgesWork:

  • Everything is giving you information; everything is meaningful.
  • You are always at choice and there is no “wrong way.”
  • All disruptions, conflicts, symptoms, feelings, urges, and behaviors are ultimately trying to reveal a deeper truth.
  • Inherently, there is a desire to move towards health and wholeness. Life wants you to be in deeper connection, expression, purpose and growth.
  • “Following the breadcrumbs” and being open to layers of perception, we allow “what wants to happen” to emerge.
  • There are no “goals” other than facilitating and increasing awareness.
  • Change is welcome, not a goal or necessity.
  • There is a starting point, however you may or may not end up where you think you want to go.

What Happens During Individual EdgesWork in Groups?

While exploring the edges, you will always be at choice and offered options in how to navigate what comes up. You will be given the opportunity to share what you would like to explore during your session. You will be asked questions as we lay out the known territory.

During the core of the work, the facilitator will be noticing and following what shows up in the room and in your movements, words, breath, and energetic field. Everything that happens is part of the process.

Using NonOrdinary perception and a variety of techniques and modalities, each session will unfold uniquely. It may be very active and physical, or it might be quiet and subtle. Sometimes members of the group are invited (with your permission) to play a role in the process. Being seen and supported by the community is a key part of the transformational process. The session is wrapped up when it feels like the exploration is complete (within a rough time frame) and often ends with group reflection.
What Happens During Group Work?
Our individual work is deeply linked with the world around us. We are not separate. As we dive in to transform ourselves, we touch into family patterns, cultural beliefs, and collective trauma that goes beyond our individual experiences. When we gather in NonOrdinary community, we are able to do bigger work, healing collective trauma and group patterns. As with individual session work, we follow what wants to happen for the group as a whole using a variety of techniques and modalities.
EdgeWork In-person Weekends
We offer EdgesWork Retreats™ approximately every other month; these are intimate, intensive and extended sessions with no more than 20 people.

EdgesWork Online Sessions

As part of all of our training levels, we offer periodic online sessions to do EdgesWork. Traditionally all EdgesWork was done in person, however in exploring offering it online, we believe it is an important opportunity to be part of a regular practice of personal and group work. We will be continuing to experiment to find new ways to take advantage of this profound approach.

EdgesWork in Large Gatherings

We are excited to be developing EdgesWork practices that can be done in a larger group contexts, in particular working with collective social issues. We will be offering experimental beta events in late 2023 / early 2024.